Saturday, June 9, 2012

Some upcoming issues

I would like to take a minute and say that although I have missed a few days in the past week I plan on keeping the one post a day going for as long as I have things to review. Based on the pile of stuff I still have yet to review, that will be awhile. Unfortunately, I am having an issue with my heart that is at the moment unexplained but will probably be fixed sooner than later. I hope. It's causing me some pretty crippling chest pains and making getting through the day a little difficult so occasionally I may miss a post or two. I will do my best though. Second thing to mention, the reason I have been a little more critical than some of you would care for about the aesthetics of these releases (cassettes specifically) is that I am in the process of putting together an art book of cassettes. I have the title and some sample pages ready and I am right getting some pretty high profile people to contribute their releases and forwards to the book. As things get closer to confirmed I will let you know but some of the beautiful things I have received over the last couple years will definitely make it into the book and I may have some questions down the line for some of you. If you have any questions please let me know but I think this is going to be pretty amazing and really highlight the effort that many of you put into making your releases something to behold. Thanks.

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